Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Honey badger.

The honey badger don't care.
hahaha inside joke (watch the video on youtube!)
Honey badger:

Obviously the  honey badger does what it wants when it wants to.

Crazy little badger.

I dare you all to try and stop them.
( If you try, you'll die.)

the honey badger... it'll eat your face off ;)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I just finished an Essay,
Math worksheet,
Science worksheet
an English paper.
Oh snap.
that took FOR-EV-ER.
Don't you just WISH you were me?!? ;)
Hahaha waiting for night of Skulls!!!
Should come within a week.
so Excited.
Righteous +  Psychedelic = Rightedelic
deal with it k?
<3 GwyMaLaur

P.S. If your name is Nathan, you know this means more than " rock and roll "



Monday, October 17, 2011

Correction of mistakes.

K well just ordered the real book on amazon should be here shortly!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Night of Skulls

 oh em gee i just got night of skulls on amazons cloud reader. ;)
Thank Gawd.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

make a difference.

so today i was thinking about how we can help our environment.
its actually really easy.
all you have to do is throw your
 trash away in the appropriate bins,
do some gardening if you want, and just try to walk or ride
you bike places instead of driving.
Easy peasy.
so like i said,
it's really easy and can be VERY fun,
so let's help the earth and have fun while we're at it.
Have any ideas about how?
leave me a comment!
I really appreciate them!!!
<3 you guys!!! ( and the earth! )

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Mr. Saxobeat

Fricken legit.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Stary night ;)

I heard this song today and though the person singing had a really nice voice!!!

 but really... thats pure talent right there!!!
k well i have a lot of homework so bye.
 <3 GwyMaLaur

Sunday, October 2, 2011

hey soccer soccer soccer soccer!

i have a game today and i have to drive 2 hours to get there.
it's only one game so we have to drive 2 hours back right after its over.
Ok ok,
well im not here to blog about bummers right now
but actually because i found some really old pictures from when i was 8.
Oh My Gawd.
that was a long tome ago.
i would post them but i dont have the right stuff to do it so... sorry?
wish me luck alright!
<3 GwyMaLaur